相談・修行 お寺体験(A Day in a life of a Monk)
お寺体験(A Day in a life of a Monk)
参加料金 | 日本人 | 5,000円 (大人) |
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人数 | 4名まで ※最少催行人数1人 |
お寺体験(A Day in a life of a Monk)
お寺体験(A Day in a life of a Monk)に参加された外国人の感想
A Trip to Honkouji Temple
- 这里有650年以前就开始流淌着的涌泉,它从来没有间断过。浇了这口充满生命的圣水,寺里不得已砍掉的神树根部里重新长出来新芽,现已长到3米高。这里的每个人都相信喝了这口历经岁月的圣水,可以得到健康和活力。
- 本光寺没有京都清水寺的壮观,但它绝对是精致周到的。它不仅供养着作为古代运输工具一生为人类效力的马的英魂,还供养着猫,狗等家庭成员。想成为音乐家,艺术家的人们也可以到这里来参拜。
- 本光寺现在的主持是第35代,是位年轻的父亲。是的,日本的和尚是可以结婚的,不像中国的和尚不能结婚。进入内堂,我被一幅幅佛画深深地吸引了。佛画用的颜料都是天然的,都可以保存上百年,甚至更长,是人类文化的珍贵遗产。这里的许多佛画都是主持的父母亲手画的。他们50岁开始学佛画,经过十多年的共同努力有了举目成就。现在为普及佛画艺术,开了教室,收了4,50人学生。
- 在历史过程中,日本的寺庙承担了了普及地方基础教育的机能,在本光寺里,尤其能感受到对儿童的关注。大堂右侧贴示着本光寺里代表水,火,金,木,土的必见风景物,小朋友们可以带着玩捉迷藏的心情把5个精致点一一找出来。在游戏中能够掌握有关五行哲学的知识。我自己找到了3处,剩下两处是主持告诉我的。
- 烧香的地方在哪里?怎么找不着呢?原来设置的地方太小,不显眼。
- 水子是什么意思?水子供养又是什么意思?查网才知道原来在日本水子指被流产的胎儿。对于人工流产盛行的中国来说,很难理解供养水子的独特文化。不过,对于任何一种曾经出现过的生命都予以尊重的日本文化,还是佩服得五体投地。
- 为什么日本的和尚可以结婚?佛教传入日本历史悠久。1872明治5年政府宣告许可僧侣可以结婚可以吃肉。
- 给父母买了健康护身符。
- 给孩子买了求学护身符。
- 找了佛画明信片,没找着。
・中国 吉林省(东北地域)
- 心より感謝申し上げます
- 千葉県は千葉市、市川、船橋、浦安、松戸、鎌ヶ谷、八千代、習志野、四街道、市原、茂原、成田、佐倉をはじめ、関東だけでなく全国からのお申込みがあります。
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No adventure to Japan is complete without experience the culture and history rich temples unique to Japan. Honkouji ranks high on a list of must see stops that should not be missed.
As first arrival a warm atmosphere that welcomes all walks of life, regardless of nation or creed, will greet you. You wont have to worry about feeling like an outsider while you enjoy your time at this common ground. Feel free to spend as much time as you like exploring every undiscovered nook and cranny to your hearts content.
At Honkouji you will find many Buddhist deities around every corner. Even without knowing the lore behind the statues, I found myself pulled towards them by their mysterious aura. I wanted so much to know more about the religious significance each different idol had. Being surrounded by so many foreign artifacts, it really feels like you are entering into a new world.
Outside of the praying area, you will also discover many graves for the deceased. The lines of large headstone give off a somber energy, causing anyone who walks by them to begin to meditate on their own life. A unique custom you can find in Japan is that there will be many cans of alcohol or other drinks placed upon the headstones. These were put there by loved ones of the deceased in hopes that they can be enjoyed in the afterlife. It is a very interesting practice that I would love to know more about.
The inner temple is a thing of true beauty. Amazing hand crafted wooden statues adorn the hallways and set the tone of a place of worship. In the main hall you will be blown away by the golden decorations that literally fill the room. Here you can witness religious ceremonies and get some first hand experience with Buddhist customs. It is a one of kind place that you will not soon forget.
Before you leave, I highly recommend you consider buying some of the various charms offered by the temple. In accordance to Buddhist customs, you can find blessed protection amulets for a wide variety of issues, such as ensuring good health, avoiding traffic accidents, and passing your future test.
Honkouji stands out from other temples in Japan, with its one of a kind atmosphere and welcoming spirit. If you have any desire to have first hand experience with a more spiritual side of Japan and its people, there is no other place to go.
Title: A trip to Honkouji Temple
Keyword: Trip. History, Religion
Name: Patrick
Hometown: Kentucky, America